Monthly subscription prices are $50 per class.
Subscription renews every month.
You can join at anytime.

First time drop in is $65.
Member drop in $60 per class.
(please schedule ahead to confirm there is space)

Private lessons $120 for two hours.

Materials: All materials are included outside of canvases. You can purchase a canvas at the studio or bring your own. Please limit the canvas size to under 40” x 40”.

Clean up: Well I will take care of that for you as well. I mean, you are here to have fun right?!

Open Studio: Come create on your own during open studio times.
Price is $120 per month.
Limit 4 two hour visits per month.

Class schedule:

Thursdays 12-2PM

Fridays 12-2PM

Saturdays 10:30AM-12:30PM and 2-4PM

Open Studio:

Thursdays 12-4PM

Fridays 12-4PM